The current population of France is 66,611,681 with an annual growth rate of 0.15%. France has a population of 0.813% of the world's population.
Population | 66,611,681 |
Growth Rate | 0.15% |
Male | 32,293,670 (48.48%) |
Female | 34,318,012 (51.52%) |
Today Change | + 105 |
Births today | 665 |
Deaths today | 657 |
Births in 2025 | 68,464 |
Deaths in 2025 | 67,595 |
Change in 2025 | + 10,779 (0.016%) |
Year | Population (01 Jan) | Natural Change | Growth Rate (%) | Total Population (31 December) |
2024 | 66,496,159 | 104,399 | 0.157% | 66,600,558 |
2023 | 66,381,485 | 114,840 | 0.173% | 66,496,325 |
2022 | 66,173,332 | 207,784 | 0.314% | 66,381,116 |
2021 | 65,993,763 | 179,503 | 0.272% | 66,173,266 |
2020 | 65,816,792 | 177,047 | 0.269% | 65,993,839 |
2019 | 65,642,126 | 174,608 | 0.266% | 65,816,734 |
2018 | 65,396,959 | 244,585 | 0.374% | 65,641,544 |
2017 | 65,172,593 | 224,194 | 0.344% | 65,396,787 |
2016 | 65,001,118 | 170,953 | 0.263% | 65,172,071 |
2015 | 64,831,554 | 169,210 | 0.261% | 65,000,764 |
Rank | Iso | Country | Population | Equivalent France |
1 | AD | Andorra | 82,553 | 0.124% |
2 | IT | Italy | 59,228,026 | 88.964% |
3 | ES | Spain | 47,901,930 | 71.929% |
4 | BE | Belgium | 11,751,734 | 17.642% |
5 | DE | Germany | 84,336,607 | 126.738% |
6 | LU | Luxembourg | 677,638 | 1.016% |
7 | MC | Monaco | 38,454 | 0.058% |
8 | CH | Switzerland | 8,950,526 | 13.432% |
9 | BR | Brazil | 212,506,576 | 318.949% |
10 | SR | Suriname | 637,705 | 0.957% |