The current population of Democratic Republic of the Congo is 111,417,421 with an annual growth rate of 3.184%. Democratic Republic of the Congo has a population of 1.355% of the world's population.
Population | 111,417,421 |
Growth Rate | 3.184% |
Male | 55,282,398 (49.617%) |
Female | 56,135,023 (50.383%) |
Today Change | + 3,288 |
Births today | 4,241 |
Deaths today | 874 |
Births in 2025 | 491,444 |
Deaths in 2025 | 101,337 |
Change in 2025 | + 381,043 (0.343%) |
Year | Population (01 Jan) | Natural Change | Growth Rate (%) | Total Population (31 December) |
2024 | 107,516,151 | 3,464,170 | 3.222% | 110,980,321 |
2023 | 104,063,312 | 3,396,627 | 3.264% | 107,459,939 |
2022 | 100,730,624 | 3,278,782 | 3.255% | 104,009,406 |
2021 | 97,567,240 | 3,113,371 | 3.191% | 100,680,611 |
2020 | 94,412,756 | 3,103,347 | 3.287% | 97,516,103 |
2019 | 91,482,128 | 2,884,431 | 3.153% | 94,366,559 |
2018 | 88,613,159 | 2,823,215 | 3.186% | 91,436,374 |
2017 | 85,553,637 | 3,006,355 | 3.514% | 88,559,992 |
2016 | 82,359,193 | 3,133,767 | 3.805% | 85,492,960 |
2015 | 79,711,869 | 2,604,187 | 3.267% | 82,316,056 |
Rank | Iso | Country | Population | Equivalent Democratic Republic of the Congo |
1 | BI | Burundi | 14,256,751 | 12.807% |
2 | RW | Rwanda | 14,441,443 | 12.975% |
3 | SS | South Sudan | 12,092,962 | 10.868% |
4 | UG | Uganda | 50,844,150 | 45.659% |
5 | TZ | Tanzania | 69,755,419 | 62.63% |
6 | ZM | Zambia | 21,676,467 | 19.464% |
7 | AO | Angola | 38,582,283 | 34.636% |
8 | CM | Cameroon | 29,580,705 | 26.568% |
9 | CF | Central African... | 5,440,663 | 4.882% |
10 | CG | Republic of the... | 6,424,518 | 5.771% |
11 | SD | Sudan | 51,021,824 | 45.795% |